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gewachste Kunstsehne für den Skin-on-Frame Kanubau

Kunstsehne | große Spule (8oz)

22,00 €Price

Flat, waxed artificial sinew/wax yarn made of polyester that looks like real sinew.

 Since the "small" 4oz spools are not enough for many canoe builders, you are on the safe side with this large 8oz spool and do not have to reorder during the project.

 Also usable for leather work and many other applications.

  • details

    The artificial sinew can be spliced and adheres well to itself thanks to the wax coating. It can also be melted with a lighter so that the end no longer slips through the knot.

     Please note: No sinew is used to sew the skin on SOF canoes, but nylon thread, which is available in the shop as "Zwibond 60".

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